Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I NEED TO Read This Everytime when I sign in to Blogger...

每个人在计划自己创业投资的时候都各有自己的目的和方法,但不管怎么说,都是希望自己投入的钱能变 活钱,赚到钱。当然,成本大投入多些,固然有好的一面,坏的一面同样存在。暂且不谈大本钱的缺点,说完 小本钱如何赚大钱应该心里也就清楚明了啦.

小本经营者 ,求稳心理较重,往往随帮轰,抱着别人做啥我做啥,走一条无风险、稳赚钱的经营之路的心理。然而,此路 是走不通的。趁热投资的小本经营者不是去面对一个同行业的市场巨人,就是去收拾人家已无油水的残羹剩饭 。也许,这正是不少人看到人家赚钱,而自己干却赚不到钱的关键。

经济愈发达,社会愈进步,人们的需求就愈细化,因此,小额投资者应该独辟蹊径,致力于经营人无我 有的商品和服务,巧占市场盲点。如经营与大商店商品配套、相补充的商品;在三百六十行之外开辟擦洗、接 送服务等新的行业;针对时间经营的空白开设商店、饭店、新奇特商店、夜市等等,为消费者提供多层次的便 利服务。

经营环境常常是瞬息万变的,市场行情此—时彼一时。小 本经营“船小掉头快”,只要时刻保持清醒的头脑,及时对市场变化作出灵敏快捷的反应,抢先抓住稍纵即逝 的机遇,一定能够实现本小利大。

资本雄厚的大企业经营重“守”, 做小生意的小本经营重“走”。流动摊档的商品一般要求是日常生活用品,每家每天都要用,因此,容易与顾 客建立稳定的联系,稳稳当当地赚钱。而送上门的服务都能迎合急着要办又不用出门的需求,一拍即合。

俗话说得好:“三分毛利吃饱饭,七分毛利饿死人。”利润微薄,价格降低 ,在竞争中以优势招引顾客,实现“薄利———多销———赚钱”目标。小本经营资本相当有限,最怕造成商 品积压,资金周转不了,成为死钱,包袱越背越重,影响下一步的经营,形成恶性循环。

6、有利即 卖赚钱心不要太切
赚大钱是许多人的梦想。但大多数人终其一生却难以梦想成真。这是什么原因呢? 是因为他们赚钱心太急切,小钱不想赚,大钱挣不来。曾有位百万富翁说过:“小钱是大钱的祖宗。”生活中 不少腰缠万贯的人当初就是靠赚不起眼儿的小钱白手起家的。



Tuesday, February 15, 2011

16/2/2011 Share My Mind

OH MY GOSH !!!!!!


HE IS.......

My LOvable Idol !!!!!~~G-dragon !!!!!

I'm totally a Crazy fan of G-dragon.......
This is his latest photos in his G-Market's advertisement........It is Awesome!!!!! COOL and Marvellous!!!!!
I think that.....If I have the 50% similar of his face........I will be in seventh heaven...... @@

I recently will notice that what he's latest news,songs and modeling no matter how busy I am......
Due to He is my favourite and most admirable Idol...... =D

In addition.....Bigbang is going to release their NEW ALBUM on this end of February......
It is a music to all the Bigbang's Fan's ears.......
So.....Let's wait and See.....

Maybe Most of the peoples will feel that I'm really such a weirdo or even a freak......because of I keep noticing and concerning about Man's Idol.......but NOT ladies's Idol......Some of my friends feel that I'm a gay...... =.= what a ridiculous mind~~~ Anyway.....I just ignore it...... =)

Although I really busy in work.....sometimes,I would have some extra time for me to get an entertainment myself......I will use my extra time to surf the net and look for the Idols......to search what's the latest news for those Idols....... =D

BY THE WAY..........

NOW's Valentine's was OVER......NO more Love story again......
What my movement during Valentine????
Yea.....That Right !!!! I still in work.....after getting home......I passed my valentine with my lovely computer and 2 puppies in my house......That all...... =.=

I saw a lot of couple enjoyed their valentine's during the work.....They holding their hand with each other and exchanged their Valentine's Present with each other.....what a sweet moment.....

I confessed that....I absolutely envy about the sweet couple......BUT I believed that.....After I've accomplish my PLANS.....LOVE will come to me automatically.....this time.....I NOT eager in Love again.....NO LOVE,NO HURT.....this is the thing that I always remind to myself......

Seriously.....It is GOOD to be Natural....
So for the single Man or single Lady.....It is not the end of the world.....NO Lover so what???? We still can live.....the most important is....our career....NOT LOVE !!!! LOVE just give you a Love one to live with you happily.....and depend on each other........Love is just doing its duty to give you a LOVE ONE that can live with you happily and permanently.....
BUT LOVE can't give you a BRIGHT future and WEALTH......All this you have to depend on yourself......Don't you think????
This is the REAL meaning of LOVE........

1 more......

LOVE is just like a lucky Draw.....no matter how much you have spend....how many times you have try.....YOU still are just having a small chance to get What you want.......Don't be eager to get what you desired.....the more you eager.....the more you wasted.....SO Just let it be natural......let everything proceed slowly.....You will get what you want one day.....This is the Valuable Reward for your Great Patience...... =)

Agree Right????? I just want to share with you guys..... =)
Single doesn't mean bad......

Previously....I always mentioned about my 1st love how bad it was.....
and I keep insulting my ex......
Perhaps....I angry about what she'd done for me last time.....she did a terrible thing for me too.....I knew what she's thought.....
Maybe that time I was out of control.....I was provoked by her....then I wrote a WARNING Message to her in my blog....and SCOLDED her terribly.......

I believed that YOU GUYS Know about my WARNING MESSAGE right??? I got post to my blog.....the title is "给母狗的一个警告" All in mandarin writing......YOU WILL KNOW THIS.....IF YOU HAVE NOTICE MY BLOG.....
BUT.....I already have delete it.........
Because this matter already has passed for several days.....my abomination towards her has dilute gradually......then I thinking back.....What is the purpose that I scold her like hell???? Although She has fault too.....there is NO necessary for me to do that......IF I show my anger.....It means that I have show my rudeness too.....Because my rudeness will come out naturally after the expression of anger......
I should be OPEN MINDED....and Just Let It Go.....Anyway,It already has become a past.....
That why I DELETE it......NOT NEED To keep the WARNING MESSAGE anymore.......and yet.....I want to TAKE CARE of my Image and reputation too....... ><
Anyway.....SORRY FOR BEING RUDE...... =(

Oops.....I want to post this thing.....But I write in mandarin.......
This is the thing that I think about in my mind......


Okay....I may STOP now....
Stay Tuned..... ^^

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Enjoy The Personal Space......

I'm the person that can't Stand on Loneliness.......I really used to enjoy lively atmosphere.....
BUT I recently change my mind......

I've realized that SOMETIMES.....there is NO disadvantages for being Alone......
After I getting Mature.....I've discover that.....I need a personal Privacy to think about my future and business affairs......

Now the Chinese New Year was over......everything has return as usual......everyone starts to work,Students starts to study and so on......In addition.....the Pressure will continue to come to me again.....It really has put in me in the predicament.......

When during my Break's time.....I will find a comfortable place and rest....
Then I will start to enjoy my personal Space.......I really detest people that come to DISTURB me.....even friends......
I also find that......I don't have so much time to contact with any friends anymore......But I need friends sometime too.....especially during my off day.....I need them to go out and enjoy together.....BUT during work time's I will concentrate on my work......So I won't contact my friend during work time even SMS......After I finished worked.....I will back to home and rush into my room.....I will start to have my head in the clouds on my bed......this is the way I release my stress.....

Well.....Life is NOT easy to go on......There will be obstruction and Difficulty in our life......Just like me.....I've face a lot of problems sometimes......It is a bitter pill for me to swallow.......BUT the important is.....We must have the heart of perseverance to solve the problem.......

I'm NOT afraid of being alone anymore......due to I really enjoy to be alone......
When I alone....I can do anything I want....Think anything I want.....It's Free enough......
NO disturbance......I really Like it.....

Maybe for the youngsters.....They really hate being alone....they like to be in group.....go enjoy together....do anything together.....Previously I also same like them.....BUT NOW......I'm different.....I really like to be in group too......BUT I know that I really have rare chance to do that.....I also seldom contact my friends recently.....

Well.....My PLAN in LIFE still going on.....I still need some times to accomplish it.....
Stay tuned...... =)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011




我跟他.....关系不是很密切.....不过总是有说有笑.....我经常跟他问候示好....他也一样???? 今天他就是为了一个小事情.....要动手???? 拜托.....30多岁了.....你这个老UNCLE可以成熟一点吗????

突然全场冷掉......我也傻眼......他就很冲动的走过来......要打我???? 然后有同事阻止他......我当时也很想跟他理论过......不过....我心里忍着......我还是跟他道歉了.....不过他还是一样破口大骂.....我静掉.....不理他.....

从这个问题来看.......我承认或许是我的错.....可能我还不了解他......他不能接受我开玩笑的方式......可是老UNCLE 30多岁了......他还要跟我这个18岁的斗气???? 我都道了歉......还拍他的肩膀.....表示认错并且复合.......可是他还给我那个死人样????? 我的同事跟我说......因为老UNCLE 30多岁.....他的年代跟我们年轻人的年代不一样.......我们的话题往往他会连接不到.....我现在才了解.......

可是问题是.....他几岁了???? 难道他的脑生草啊???? 我们在一起工作快3个月了......虽然我们不是很密切....可是...都是有说有笑的同事啊......我们偶尔都会玩玩的.....我今天只是用一个粗口....然后以开玩笑的方式炸回你.....而且我的粗口只是" L.J " 又没骂到他家人.......他何必要这么冲动打人???我怕这会影响我们以后的关系.....我让步并诚恳地道歉.....他还不罢休.......

老UNCLE.....你真的很幼稚......跟一个小过你的人斗气.....你不觉得羞耻吗???? 通常人家说.....大人不计小人过.....现在反而我变成了大人.....老UNCLE变成了小孩子.......我的心真的很不甘.....给这个老UNCLE无礼的对待......真的对这种同事彻底失望......虽然我有错.....不过老UNCLE更有错!!!!!! 虽然我们年代不同.......思想不同......不过基本的礼貌.....你却没有!!!!! 虽然我讲粗口没礼貌......不过我却具备了成熟男人的风度....并诚恳的跟你道歉.....




惨了...... =(